US Government National Debt spikes after local eBoy 'Firechief55' charges the US Trillions for 'a fling with the President'

As of July 2022, the US National Debt stands at $23,000,000,000,000,000 after viral sensation, eGirl obsession, Firechief55 ( or his full name, Daden Crock ) sent a PayPal request the United States Government for what Daden Crock now recalls in a Tweet, "A fling with the President, you know, an in-and-out".

What raises suspicions even more, is that the US Government accepted said PayPal expense. Firecheif55 Fanboys in the Firechief55_Gaming Discord Server have been think-tank-ing some possible answers. Among all of the theories, they all agree on one thing; Tweeting is very uncharacteristic of Daden, when Daden does Tweet, it is mostly rambling nonsense. Some say that Daden Crock's Dad, AKA Cavid Crock or even fictionized Egg Man from Sonic, has taken Daden's Twitter account hostage and the US government with it. There is no evidence to support this besides the 'hardened, bald, old man vibe', described by a member of the Firechief55_Gaming Discord Server. Firechief55 has also broken his long standing tradition of uploading once a decade, further proving the point.

Depiction of Cavid Crock swimming in money

The second possible theory is that Daden Crock required Cash Money 🤑🤑🤑$$$ to donate to popular ( but not as popular as Firechief55 ) streamer Pokimane. Poki's stream had started 15 minutes before the tweet and PayPal request and shortly after Poki received multiple donations of $25,000, before the user was banned.

written by Laleb Cyons